About the Association
The UNC Association of Student Governments is the student organization designated to represent the interests of students in the deliberations of the UNC Board of Governors.
Our purpose is to advocate for the collective best interests of students in serving as a liaison between students and the Governor of North Carolina, the North Carolina General Assembly, and the Office of the President of the University of North Carolina; and collaboratively increase awareness of issues affecting students and the University.

Led by an elected President and Senior Vice President, and assisted by seven other executive officers, UNCASG follows a senate model with four delegates representing each of the 17 campuses within the UNC System.
UNCASG's advocacy work follows a committee model with delegates serving on two of six committees: Internal Operations, Budget and Finance, Campus Outreach, Governmental Outreach, HBCU and MSI Relations, and Graduate Student Relations.

Founded and funded by students, The University of North Carolina Association of Student Governments champions the concerns of students and ensures affordability and accessibility to quality education today and tomorrow.

Uniting Campuses. Serving Students.